Analogās sajūtas padziļinās.
Esmu veiksmīgi ticis pie lielformāta foto palielinātāja. Iebarojams ar šauro filmu, 6x7 - līdz pat 9x12 formātam. Pie meistara sataisīju m/b galvu, viss dūc, plūst un gaismojas. Dikti svarīgs solis ceļā uz analogā fotoprocesa pilnību un 100% autorību.  
Tagad niez nagi. Vēl tik mazliet jāaizpilda zināšanu robi, un sarkanā luktura pasākums būs sācies.

Going deeper into the world of analogue photography.
I have managed to get a Belarus photo enlager, probably a replica of Durst, with an impressive weight and stature. It feeds on both small and large format film rolls (35mm to 9x12). Got the b/w head repaired, everything's alive and kicking now. The device feeder buzzes, the bright light flows. A very important step towards mastering traditional photography and securing a 100 percent autorship.
Can't wait to put it into operation. Some gaps to be filled, some information to be updated, and the red light will be shining shortly.

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